
Online Enrolment Enquiry Form

Are you interested in looking at Sacred Heart Mona Vale for your child? Just complete our online enrolment enquiry form we’ll be in touch.

Enrolment Enquiry

Ready to submit an Enrolment Application Form

If you are ready to submit an enrolment form for Sacred Heart Mona Vale, please complete the form below and read through our section Enrolment Process.

Enrolment Application Form

Review our Enrolment Principles

If you would like more information on our Enrolment Principles for Catholic Schools Broken Bay, please see the document at the bottom of the below link.

Catholic Schools Broken Bay Enrolment Principles

Check out our 2025 Kindergarten Enrolment Process

This timeline takes a look at the main milestones during the 2025 Kindergarten Enrolment Process and preparation for starting school.

Enrolment Process for Kinder 2025